2024 – 2025
中一入學申請表    Application for Secondary 1 Admission

報名須知 Information on Application
1. 申請人須先填妥網上申請表格,可輸入左上方網址/掃瞄二維碼進入網站,填妥後列印表格,並在家長/監護人位置簽署。請把申請表連同下列文件,一併遞交/郵寄至本校:新界天水圍天富苑中華基督教青年會中學。
Applicants must complete the online application form, which can be accessed by entering the link / scanning the QR code located in the left-hand corner of this form. Parents / guardians are required to print out a hard copy of the completed form, sign it, and mail / submit it along with the following documents to the Chinese Y.M.C.A. Secondary School, Tin Fu Court, Tin Shui Wai, New Territories.
  (一) 文件副本 Photocopies of supporting documents:

a. 學生的香港身份證/護照  Student's H.K. ID Card/Passport
b. 中學學位分配證或小六學生證  Secondary School Places Allocation Form (SSPA) or Student's Primary Six Identification Card
c. 學生最近兩年的成績表  School reports of the last two years
d. 其他附加資料(如證書或獎狀等,尺寸不超出A4)Other relevant documents (certificates and awards not bigger than A4 size)

(二) 學生近照 (可直接貼在報名表上) Student's recent photo (can be pasted directly on the application form)

2 遞交申請表時,須繳付HK$75報名費,報名費恕不退回 (可選擇以下其中一種繳費形式) :
A non-refundable application fee of HK$75 is payable upon submission of the application form (please choose one of the following payment methods).
    a. 現金
b. 劃線支票(抬頭請書寫「中華基督教青年會中學」)支票背面須寫上申請學生姓名及聯絡電話
    Crossed cheque (made payable to "Chinese Y.M.C.A. Secondary School")
    with the applicant's name and contact number at the back of the cheque
c. 直接轉賬於本校戶口 ,並將入數紙副本交予本校存檔
    Direct transfer to the school's account and a copy of the bank-in slip should be submitted to the school for record
    戶口號碼:滙豐銀行 (HSBC: 500 672407 002)      Account Number : HSBC (HSBC: 500 672407 002)
戶口名稱:Chinese Y.M.C.A. Secondary School      Account Name : Chinese Y.M.C.A. Secondary School

3. 申請人必須提供電郵地址,以便獲取有關面試或其他資訊。
Applicant must provide an email address to receive information about interviews or other arrangements.
4. 合資格者將獲邀參與第一輪面試,時間及地點將另行通知
Only short-listed applicants will be invited for an interview. The exact time and venue will be announced later.
5. 若申請人只在網上遞交申請表格,而沒有將表格列印本、相關文件和報名費遞交本校,則申請程序尚未完成,校方將不會處理有關申請。
If the applicant only submits the application form online without sending the printed copy of the form, relevant documents and application fee to the school, the application process has not been completed. Then this application will not be processed by the school.
6. 遞交申請表格前請檢查清楚所有資料是否齊備如發現資料不正確或有遺漏,該申請將不予處理。
Please ensure all the information is completed before submitting the application form. Your application may not be processed if any information or supporting document is found missing or incorrect.
7. 獲取錄之申請人將由學校以書面通知。
The school will notify successful applicants in writing.
8. 2024-2025 全年學費為HK$16,620 (有待審批)
2024-2025 annual school fee is HK$16,620 (Subject to approval).

9. 本校設有學費資助計劃,為有需要的學生(包括來自領取社會福利署的綜合保障援助(綜援)或領取學生資助處學校書簿津貼的學生)提供資助,以確保學生不會因經濟理由而不能入讀本校。有需要的學生可於取錄後,向我們提出有關申請。資助詳情請按連結或瀏覽本校網頁
The school has put into place a “Fee Subsidy Scheme” for students in need, including those receiving subsidies under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) from the Social Welfare Department or those receiving grant of the School Textbook Assistance Scheme (STAS) from the Student Finance Office). This measure ensures that students will not be excluded from the school due to their financial situation. Upon admittance, these students may apply for fee subsidy. Please click link or visit the school website for more information.

10. 本校設有學費獎勵計劃,以獎勵學業傑出、體藝卓越及品行優良的學生,詳情可 瀏覽本校網頁
The school offers scholarships to students who have demonstrated excellent academic performances, outstanding achievements in art/music/sport as well as in personal and social performances. Please visit the school website for details.


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